2023 was an incredible year at Path United! Our committed team of staff and volunteers inspired over 600 students in 8 mobile home parks on their path to becoming flourishing adults. At Path United, we believe that every person in the world matters because they were created by God on purpose and for a purpose. Our hope is that each of our students would know this truth and that it would be the starting point for a life of flourishing.
Our students experience God's love and plan for their lives every week through our unique model centered on:
multiple positive adult relationships (mentors)
an age- appropriately designed curriculum centered on nine social and emotional skills
literacy and academic support
adventure experiences full of new ideas, people and career opportunities
Below you'll find a few stories of transformation as well as a quick snapshot of numbers and impact. Thanks for being part of what God is doing in mobile home parks.
The best is yet to come,
2023 was an incredible year at Path United! Our committed team of staff and volunteers inspired over 600 students in 8 mobile home parks on their path to becoming flourishing adults. At Path United, we believe that every person in the world matters because they were created by God on purpose and for a purpose. Our hope is that each of our students would know this truth and that it would be the starting point for a life of flourishing.
Our students experience God's love and plan for their lives every week through our unique model centered on:
multiple positive adult relationships (mentors)
an age- appropriately designed curriculum centered on nine social and emotional skills
literacy and academic support
adventure experiences full of new ideas, people and career opportunities
Below you'll find a few stories of transformation as well as a quick snapshot of numbers and impact. Thanks for being part of what God is doing in mobile home parks. The best is yet to come!
Jim Hollandsworth | Co-Founder & Executive Director